Okinawa 1988-1991

Okinawa 1988-1991

Monday, June 27, 2005

Rainy season ends in Okinawa

Japan Today - News - Rainy season ends in Okinawa - Japan's Leading International News Network: "NAHA — This year's rainy season has apparently ended in Okinawa
Prefecture, the Okinawa Meteorological Observatory said Monday, four
days later than last year and also from an average year."

The amounts of rainfall in other parts of Japan have been relatively small this rainy season, but the Okinawa capital of Naha has had a record 1,033.5 millimeters of rain since the season started in the area on May 2.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Record setting heavy rains continue but letup may be in sight

Record setting heavy rains continue but letup may be in sight -

Soggy best describes Okinawa, and weather forecasters say the heaviest rains in more than three decades aren’t finished dropping on the island.

Rainfall totals are at 30 inches for the month, with most of it coming since June 11th. The official total going into last weekend was 28.6” and forecasts call for skies to stay dark until midweek. Officials at the Okinawa Meteorological Observatory say last week’s rainfall was the most in the past 30 years.

Okinawa’s normal June precipitation total is 8.3”, according to the Meteorological Observatory. A slight break could come during the weekend, but don’t bet on it. Kadena’s weather team is not too optimistic. As rains continue, there’s a good chance totals will exceed the 1975 total of 37.6”, the second highest monthly total ever. The June rainfall record was set in 1969, with 45.1”.

Futenma helicopter relocation debate

Politics stirring the Futenma helicopter relocation debate -

Kadena town residents are more adamant than ever they do not want Futenma’s helicopters in their backyard.

The Japanese government, while standing fast with talk of the longterm Henoko relocation airport for Futenma’s military aircraft and helicopters, is talking more strongly about shifting the 50 rotary wing aircraft to Kadena. The government knows there’s opposition to the new airport in Nago, if it is to be built. They know too the Okinawa Prefecture demands that any occupancy of a new airport by Americans be limited to 15 years.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Okinawa marks anniversary of battle marks anniversary of battle:

NAHA, Okinawa Prefecture--With renewed pledges to never again go to war, Okinawa on Thursday observed the 60th anniversary of the end of the only ground battle fought on Japanese soil during World War II.

The ferocious Battle of Okinawa between Imperial Japanese Army troops and U.S. forces is often referred to as the "typhoon of steel." More than 200,000 people died in nearly three months of fighting. Many of them were civilians.